Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Image of Christ

What is your typical image of Christ? Ever since we set foot in our sunday school classrooms or were shown an image of Jesus, we have that image of him set in our minds. We often depict him with long, flowing, light brown hair, fair skinned, and just awesome looking. From what I understand, and what I've heard and read, a person with these features and physical appearance would look very different from anyone else living in the region Jesus lived. The bible never really gives any description of him, the closest to it would be from Isaiah 53:2 -“He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.” All this tells us is that Jesus’ appearance was just like any other man's – He was ordinary-looking. It also says in Matthew that wheJudas Iscariot had to indicate to the soldiers whom Jesus was because they could not tell him apart from his disciples. Thus again, making him appear as an ordinary man. Today, all the images you see that resemble Jesus are simply the artist's depiction of him. No one really knows what he looked like. There is one instance though where a young artist named Akiane painted a picture of Jesus where she said she received a vision of him from God. Also, I'm sure you've all heard of the book "Heaven is for Real", Colton backs the picture up saying that her painting is what Jesus looked like. I guess we'll just have to wait and see when we're in heaven. What is your image of Christ?

Till Next Time
God Bless

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