I can't say I dislike being a cynic. I actually really like being one, on the contrary. (I'm pretty sure anyone who has talked to me for even a hour probably has picked up on this) So, with the foreknowledge that I enjoy being slightly cynical from time to time, I hope that no one takes this post too poorly. I mean no offense, it's mostly just me spinning my wheels here.
I really liked the Gorillaz's music video, so I decided to do some research on the topic.
I pulled up the Wikipedia page, and, lo and behold, Wikipedia has a list of all of the band members names, their positions, and it includes pictures. I must admit, I was slightly disappointed.
I'm not talking about the fictional characters, I'm talking about the real people behind the music.
It's possible I misunderstood the discussion in class today, but I got the impression that "no body knows" who is actually behind the Gorillaz's music, at least that is what I heard most of my peers saying.
I'm afraid that statement just didn't stand up to reason upon some further looking around. (Here's the page if you would like to see it, it's honestly pretty interesting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorillaz)
It's not like it really matters or anything, mostly it just got me to thinking.
I feel like we so often times want to make mystery's out of things, or make things bigger than they are. We want to be left with nothing when we peel back the layers, because with nothing we have a clean slate. Or maybe if we don't have anything at the center then we can live life how we want to?
I'm not really sure. I do know that almost no one goes and researches this sort of thing though. Maybe we have gotten so caught up in our post-modern thinking of "nothing is true, everything is permitted" that we have lost something? We no longer want to actually look, because we don't think anything is there? We take for granted what we are told, and do not look further? I would like to think that we are better than merely accepting spoon-fed truth, but I kind of wonder. We are no longer being told "this is right" or "this is true" but we are being told "nothing is true" and "nothing is right" and in a way, it's the same thing. It is accepting something without questions, which we do not necessarily know is true or not.
Like I said, I really don't know. I do know that I have a deep passion for the origin of things. The etymology of words, the original film, all of that has always been of deep interest to me. This is where we came from. This is also where we are going.
It's mostly just one of those questions that doesn't have a answer.
I do really wish people would look things up, (as the internet is a teeming resource of information) but maybe it's arrogant of me to assume stuff like this. Dunno.