Monday, December 3, 2012

Tree of Life

Hmmm… what can I say…? This film was…. thought-provoking.

I can’t say that I fully understood what was going on the entire time, but I think it is a necessary film to see at some point in life.  It’s definitely not a film that I would like to see often, but I do want to see it one more time, knowing what I do now after the discussion,  so that I can pick up on some of the concepts and symbolism that I missed this time.  If I ever do watch this again, I will probably choose a setting where I have the ability to fast-forward. don’t get me wrong, the montages were great, and there were some parts that the length and the silences certainly added to the scenes. It’s just that, after seeing everything once, I think I could get away with skipping through certain parts of the film.

Although I typically enjoy Signs and Wonders when I go, my appreciation was heightened after seeing “Tree of Life.” This is mostly because I know that I would not have taken as much as I did away from that film watching it anywhere else. Let’s be real, I probably would not have watched until the end anywhere else. I am still thinking about it and its meaning today, which is always a good sign. I may still be a bit confused, but I’m really glad that I saw it. I’m not even going to try explain what I thought because frankly, I am not even quite sure.

This is another one of those moments that I've sought for something reflective and insightful to say and have been left almost completely speechless.

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