Tuesday, November 6, 2012

SandCastle... again!

  • My favorite film from the past weeks was Sand Castle by Co Hoedeman. To be honest, I'm a sucker for stop-motion films, I couldn't imagine having to take on the extreme task of creating one, but boy do I love watching them. They are visually pleasing to me, I don't know why, just the way they awkwardly move and the sincere innocence of it all brings out the child within me. Most people liked Tchou Tchou more than this one, and I seriously have no idea why. Tchou Tchou was great, and Co had to use a lot of tricky animation techniques, which I admit were really cool ( seeing the block people jump was awesome) however I still think that SandCastle was a little more impressive with all the visual effects being made from sand. I stated this in an earlier blog post, but with the whole "wind" thing going on, it was super impressive. I was completely immersed in this world of crazy and silly creatures, and although after most films in this class I am upset when they are over, I felt like I wanted this film to go on even longer. Every film has it's appropriate length, but I wanted more SandCastle. I like the connection between "God" and the "Creator" in this film, I think it's an awesome interpretation, and I really enjoy Co Hoedeman, even if I'm a live action guy and not an animation junkie.

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