Monday, September 3, 2012


Hi, my name is TJ Clounie and I love to make any type of film although my favorite kind of movie is comedy. I surprisingly do not like art in any sense and for me the medium in which I convey my perspective is very important. I have considered animation but my "passion" is in Live action. You may have noticed that passion was put in quotations because its a cliche that I hate to hear but lack the motivation at times to express my interest in film another way. I realized that I loved film pretty late in the game considering most people say they started at the age of 6....pshh. My junior year of high school I visited HU intending on being a psychology major and than I roomed with a film major named Miles. He showed me his stuff and since than I have been hooked on shooting a ton of videos and once and a while they turn out half way decent. I actually have a few videos that my roommate and I have made within the first week of classes.  If you come up to me in class say hello I'm a decent guy to know and if you wanna discuss film with me don't, just go ask to make a film and we'll go film some stuff.

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