Monday, September 3, 2012


Hello! My Name is Joe Etemadi!

 I am currently enrolled in Huntington University as a "freshman", but what makes me unique is that I am still going to high school. I am a Senior at Homestead High School  in Fort Wayne Indiana, and every Tuesday and Thursday, I drive up to Huntington to take classes here at the school. 

Now that I've got that out of the way, let me tell you a little bit about my interest in film. I'm not sure how or when it started, but it must have been early because as far back as I can remember, I have been interested in the art of film making. I was always making short little videos with my friends and as time went on, I realized how complex film making really was. Shortly after, I then realized how film making could become a career. I never really got into animation, and at first, I almost considered it a different type of art as Live Action. Clearly they are both methods of film making, however since I was not exposed to animation very much, I proceeded to obtain as much knowledge as I could pertaining to live action.  

The route I chose to gain this knowledge is a small little site know as YouTube. Obviously everyone has heard of it, used it, and I'm sure many of you have accounts on the site. Over the years, I've learned that it is a tool I could not work without; at least not without drastically changing my work flow. Tips, tricks, tutorials, and more can be found for just about anything on YouTube; including Film making. I could go on for a long time about the importance of YouTube in any no budget film makers work flow, but I will save that for another posting. (The title "Jetemadi" will come into play in a later posting as well) 

I will probably share much of my work in later postings, but I've done a variety of different kinds of film making, and my two favorite kinds are narrative and music videos. I've tried documentary, interview, talk show, web show, commercials, demos, and more, but my two favorite would have to be narrative and music videos. 

I am looking forward to sharing more about myself, as well as learning more about all of you in the near future. While I recognize that I will not be going through the same "college experience" as all of you, I hope that me being a high school student does not make anyone hesitant about approaching me, or talking to me. If anything, I should be afraid of you! Thanks for taking the time to read this. See you in class! 

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