Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tree of Life

The tree of life I enjoyed surprisingly more than I though I would. The beginning started out a bit slow and I almost passed out after the first 30 minutes. Once the storyline taking place in the 60s started I really got into the film and enjoyed watching the family interactions. I can't imagine having a father like that but I can empathize with the son. The story blew my mind but I am not at liberty to say what I exactly think it means because to be honest I barely have a shot in the dark. I feel  like after a hundred times watching it I will have a more clear idea to what it means. What I did not like to much after the movie was the conversation after it. I guess for my first time watching it I wanted to reflect on what I watched in a more personal way. Having everyone and their dog say what they thought it meant eventually drove me to the point where I thought checking Facebook would be a better use of my time than listening to the conversation. I know we all love film but I guess since it was my first time watching it I really wanted to enjoy it for its entirety instead of analyzing all the small details and possible meaning of the film. I guess this is a film I will have to re-watch the movie either by myself or with a few close friends so we can have a discussion over what we think it might be. But overall I absolutely enjoyed the movie although necessary the scenes of nature did get a bit dragged out but they were still beautiful. Tree of Life is a definite must watch for any person who enjoys film although I would suggest having a good nights sleep before you watch.

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