Wednesday, December 5, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Continued

First off - if any of you have manga studio, I would suggest NOT coloring in it. Its a pain and it doesn't look nearly as well as photoshop.
Now to what I want to talk about: NaNoWriMo. I know that I already discussed it, but I have more to say. Also, Tori wanted me to summarize my novel.
I won NaNoWriMo on Friday, officially writing over 50,000 words in a month. I still can't quite believe it. What's really sad is my 'novel' is not even close to being complete. Not too much happens within the 50,000 words - just some setting up characters and getting the plot started, that's about it. And a LOT of worldbuilding.
The picture above has the five main characters from the section I wrote for NaNo - From top to bottom, left to right: Karanee, Caleb, Aisha, Rhia, and Ari (with the owl Chillo on his shoulder).
A simplified summary - In a post-appocalyptic future, most civilization has survived only in what used to be the Middle East. After a naive and simple boy named Ari accidentally 'rescues' Rhia, a reserved and distrustful mute, from a group of bandits, he makes it his goal to escort her on the rest of her journey to the capital city. However, on the way he realizes that there is more to her than meets the eye *lame Transformers reference, sorry*, and ends up getting caught up in the business of a female bounty hunter clan.
>.>; its more complicated than that, but that's the basic summary of what I wrote. The story itself is a lot longer, but unwritten. This is only a portion of the first story arc. Though I haven't  quite figured out a lot of what will happen, I'm trying to make it up as I go. That ended up happening a lot in the portion I wrote for NaNo, even though I had that part pretty well thought out.
Either way, it was a fun experience, and I can't wait to do it year of course ^__^ (I wouldn't want to do it anytime soon).

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