The Tuscan Rader

Heads slowly turn with eyes that kill stone dead,
All of a sudden her heart starts to ache,
I am the one they say is a fake.
They whisper in the shadows away from her side,
The words don't stay chained but instead they glide,
People gather in shadows up against the wall,
I am the one they say has a walrus mating call.
Words fly and they snicker, "how funny am I!",
They jeer "but away from her ear" they sigh,
Behind her back but their words break loose,
I am the one that is called the goose.
A next step is taken,
A tear is not faken,
In her mind they hate her,
I am the one who they call "Tusken Raider".
A Reminder to You
Hey guys,
I know this is a poem, and it may not mean much to you (shoot, I don't even know if anyone even reads my blogs), but this is a painfully real poem to me about some of the things people say behind my back about my laugh. I just want to take this opportunity to remind y'all that words cut EXTREMELY deep. If you are going to talk about someone, don't say hurtful things especially not behind their back where they can not defend themselves and their dignity... You never know how much they looked up to you, and after you hurt them deeply, you will loose all of their respect, and chances are you will not be able to regain even their trust to the point it was before you hurt them. Gossip is no fun for anyone, and if you care even in the slightest, you will stop... Take it from someone who knows how hurtful it is.
Thanks for reading, and please take action. =j
-The girl fighting against gossip with a smile (even when it hurts)
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