Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rock Fishing

My favorite of the animations we've watched in the past five weeks is RockFish by Blur studios. This was my favorite partially because the style of animation was my favorite, and partially because I love a good "don't let go" type of story.

This animation ties into the readings primarily for the CGI, but I think it also is a good way to communicate some cool ideas to those who watch it including children. I think this short is a great way to talk to children and tell them what it's like to want something bad enough that you hold on even if you lose a thing or two--sometimes really important things too-- in the process.

In the end, the fisher still had all he really needed: himself and his little creature friend. He got his fish too, and really getting the fish wasn't about getting the fish, it was about the chase and catching it. Sometimes it's not about the reward or goal at the top of the latter, but rather the steps it takes to get there. We learn so much more in the process of getting to where we want to be than we do once we're there. And while that's a lot for a little kid to take away, it's still a pretty cool theory one can draw from a well-done short like RockFish.

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