Monday, November 26, 2012

Quiz 2

Johnny Cash's "Hurt" music video was fabulous. After I have seen it for the first time in the class, I've watched it and listened to it over and over again while doing my animation assignments. Both the music video and the performance was powerful. I've listened to Trent Reznor's original version, and I have to say that it definitely had Reznor flavor in it. However, it was no comparison to Johnny Cash. 

I've heard that song for the first time, and it was my officially the first Cash music in my life. I've heard his name a lot, but I never really had an opportunity to lend my ears to his story.

The powerful moment in the video was Cash's presence in front of the opulent table, but he says, "you can have it all".

I think many people in the society strive to be at the peak of their mountain: the mountain of art, politics, education, church, media, business etc. People want to be successful. They want to be the influential figure in their own area. What for? Control? Fame? Wealth? I think opulence is the inherent ambition for the foolish hearts. 

I have no doubt that Cash had them all as one of the most influential musical figures. With all the success and trials in his life, when he says, "you can have it all". He really means it.

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