Monday, November 5, 2012

Of Gods and Men

What is this movie about? Martyrdom? Fidelity? Incarnation? Death? Freedom?

To be honest, I do not know what to write and how to start this blog, because no matter how well I try to write I won't be able to properly represent this multi-layered movie. I did not know what to expect from this movie, I had no previous knowledge, but the movie tackled universal question that everyone struggles with and Christians who choose to go through the small gate. This movie came very personal to me because my parents are missionaries. Sometimes people might think that being a missionary is a glorious and honorable thing, but actually it is far from those. It is a raw struggle with self and with God. One cannot be a missionary without tears, without kneeling down, without constant despair and loneliness...

"Love endures" are the exact words that brother Christian tells another brother who is in great fear of becoming a martyr. The question that the movie tackles is "is it God's will to become a martyr? or is it God's will for us to use God given freedom to leave for safety?"

Brother Christian, who is the leader of the Monastry, says, “Wildflowers don’t move to find the sun’s rays. God makes them fecund wherever they are.” Yes, endurance...

I do not know how to continue or to conclude this blog. There are so much in the movie.

I am still in process of digesting the movie. I will continue to watch this movie over and over again, and probably recommend to any close friends that I talk to.

One thing I have realized was one good movie is more powerful than an elaborate sermon or a heart-touching testimony. Let's never underestimate the power of what we are studying.

Definately in my top 5 list.

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