Monday, October 1, 2012

Sparrows and Ostrich

i can't say that I've ever watched a foreign film before but The Song of the Sparrows was an amazing film. What i loved most about this film was the main character Karim. The transformation that he must go through is so powerful. The movie to me was just like playing out events of the everyday man. How in order to get back to how things where before you must go through bad times, losing the ostrich was a bad time for Karim but in the end he became a better man, husband and father. When he broke his leg and he watched all of his stuff get sold, it finally hit him. The city life changed him, having people not pay him, being forced to move items into a persons home, being haggled, everything! He was just this hard working man that had a modest paying job as a ostrich farmer, but when he began working in the city he became quick tempered and a bit abusive. The sparrow trap in Karim's house represents himself and when he released it, he released himself as well. He was trapped by the pressure of getting a job and his raising his family, but after breaking his leg he has learned to calm down, enjoy life and become  a better man. This is my very first foreign film and it certainly won't be the last!

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